


  1. Perpetual Leapfrogging in International Competition, MPRA Paper 43029, revised December 2012. 
  2. From China with Love: Effects of the Chinese Economy on Skill-biased Technical Change in the US (with Angus C. Chu and Guido Cozzi), MPRA Paper 40555, August 2012.
  3. The Struggle to Survive in the R&D Sector: Implications for Innovation and Growth, CUIE Paper 1203, August 2012.
  4. Patents versus Subsidies in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Endogenous Market Structure (with Angus C. Chu), MPRA Paper 41083, August 2012. 


  1. Chaotic Industrial Revolution Cycles and Intellectual Property Protection in an Endogenous-Exogenous Growth Model (with Makoto Yano)
  2. Technological Change and International Interaction between Environmental Policies (with Yasuhiro Takarada)



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