



  • A Simple Theory of Offshoring and Reshoring (with Angus C. Chu and Guido Cozzi),  MPRA Paper 44557, February 2013. 
  • Technological Change and International Interaction in Environmental Policies (with Yasuhiro Takarada), MPRA Paper 44047, January 2013.  
  • From China with Love: Effects of the Chinese Economy on Skill-biased Technical Change in the US (with Angus C. Chu and Guido Cozzi), MPRA Paper 40555, 2012. 
  • Patents versus R&D Subsidies in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Endogenous Market Structure (with Angus C. Chu), MPRA Paper 41083, 2012.
  • Perpetual Leapfrogging in International Competition, MPRA Paper 40126, June 2012. 






  • "Perpetual Leapfrogging in International Competition" at: 
  1. 28th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA/ESEM 2013), University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 28th August, 2013.
  2. International Conference on Market Quality, Trade and Dynamics (ウェスティン都京都), April 2013. 
  3. WEAI 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference (慶應義塾大学), March 2013
  4. 第14回 Market Quality Workshop(京都大学経済研究所三田オフィス), March 2013
  5. WEAI 87th Annual Conference, San Francisco, US, July 2012


  • "Chaotic Industrial Revolution Cycles and Intellectual Property Protection in an Endogenous-Exogenous Growth Model" at: 
  1. 67th European Meeting of the Econometric Society (EEA/ESEM 2013), University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 27th August, 2013. 
  2. Brown Bag Seminar, Simon Fraser University, Canada, November 2012
  3. Research Seminars, Durham University, UK, August 2012 


  • "Knowledge spillovers and perpetual leapfrogging in international competition" at: 
  1. Market Quality Theory Workshop, Tokyo, February 2012
  2. Chukyo-Kyoto International Conference on International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics in celebration of Professor Ronald W. Jones's 80th Anniversary, Nagoya, November 2011.



  • “Legal and Private Instruments for International Intellectual Property Protection,” 9th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, WEAI (Western Economic Association International),  Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, April 2011. 

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